17 October 2005

Micah hamming it up once more
Micah the bear rider
Raise the roof!
That's not really mac and cheese, is it?
Micah astonished

12 October 2005

Trying out the sippie cup scene
His teeth are just getting ready to come in...
He's a ham...
Micah in his new high chair

04 October 2005

A Day to Breathe

One would think that a work day that begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 8:00 PM would be something other than a break, but I returned the last of my first batch of freshman papers today.

And the next batch comes in Thursday.

Micah got sick on the first one's due date, so that threw the whole process off. I'm fairly certain I'll get this batch put away far more efficiently.

But I have paper proposals due next week, so still no time to post substantially. All the same, look for baby pictures later this week--I'm sure I can sneak some in!