21 September 2004

Knaughty Knights

Having finished The Analogical Imagination, I've embarked on something completely different, namely rereading my Malory book that I at best skimmed while getting the house ready for Ollie and Sue's visit last spring (or was it Ollie and Uncle Charlie? Oh well--no matter). I had forgotten just how cynical Malory's version of things turns out to be. I'm certain that my recent encounters with C.S. Lewis apologists has been the occasion for my turn back to the medieval, but I don't think Malory's was the chivalry that Lewis had in mind. But it sure is entertaining--in Malory's version, not only is Arthur the child of a Merlin-assisted bed trick but Gawain has already gotten him some while pretending to help the noble Sir Pelleas win his true love. I already know what's going to happen between Launcelot and Guinevere, and I can't imagine that it's going to differ much beyond that. Having read some of the excerpts, I wonder whether buying the full version might be a good investment. We'll see.

As my readers might have guessed, no dream recollection this morning. I've got to drive Mary to school, so I had to get up and immediately shower so that we would be ready about the same time. I've also got to set a tape to pick up the season premiere of Gilmore Girls so that we can do a late-nighter when we get back from working in Mary's classroom. So I've been running about since six AM. In fact, I need to go wake her up now. So until tomorrow...

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